September 25–26, 2025

Strengthen Your Marriage Journey

Faith-filled wisdom, practical insights, and a weekend to grow together.
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A married couple speaking from the stage.Love Always logo
Love Always logo
Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.
—1 Corinthians 13:13

Your Journey Starts Here.

Whether you are married, have been married, or want to be married, Love Always: A Gateway Marriage Conference is for you! This two-day conference is a great opportunity to gain biblical and practical advice to strengthen your understanding of marriage and relationships and to learn more about God’s heart for the covenant of marriage.

Faith. Hope. Love.

We know the journey of marriage isn’t accomplished overnight. It’s a constant walk of faith, hope, and love. In the beginning we only see part of the road ahead, but over time we can see the path paved with years of prayers spoken, goals achieved, and promises kept. Regardless of the season, marriage is full of moments where we must choose to love always.

A couple smiling and holding a welcome sign.
A couple smiling and holding a sign that reads, “Married Life. Best Life.”

Building a Marriage that Lasts a Lifetime.

Join us as we explore what God’s Word has to say about this beautiful covenant relationship between man and woman and hear from a great lineup of speakers on hot topics facing marriages today. Throughout the conference you’ll also have plenty of opportunities to have fun with your spouse and remind yourself of the reasons you chose them to walk through life with!

Our prayer is that you leave the conference feeling even more prepared for the future God has in store for you. We can’t wait to have you join us!
